Secure Enterprise Messaging in the Age of Chat Apps

Consumer use of popular chat apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger have grown to 1.3 billion monthly active users worldwide. The use of chat apps in the workplace has also grown, causing concern for enterprise IT managers since much of this usage is unapproved, unsanctioned and difficult to monitor.

Sixty-five percent of enterprises are concerned that consumer-grade chat apps present security and non-compliance risks, according to a recent survey from Ovum. However, 41 percent of respondents also revealed they didn’t know which employees were using chat apps in the workplace.

Consumer-Grade Chat Apps in the Enterprise

Chat apps can be effective real-time collaboration tools that simplify corporate communication. But when it comes to enterprise messaging, organizations need purpose-built apps that allow administrators to monitor and audit usage.

Netsfere’s recent report conducted in partnership with Ovum, “Secure Enterprise Messaging in the Age of the Chat App,” provides survey data and analysis from 300 companies in four countries. The survey assesses usage of consumer messaging apps and how organizations across a variety of industries are responding.

Key findings include:

  • 67 percent of enterprises authorize chat apps because they don’t have the technical capabilities to block usage.
  • 38 percent of organizations that provide company-authorized messaging applications also allow for use of consumer-grade messaging applications like Facebook Messenger.
  • 70 percent of enterprises whose employees use consumer messaging applications (whether authorized or not) have policies and controls in place to govern the use of these applications.

For more information about the use of consumer-grade messaging apps in today's enterprise, download the full report today.

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