451 Research Study: WhatsApp privacy backlash is a wake-up call for secure enterprise messaging and collaboration

451 Research latest report looks at why the recent backlash experienced by WhatsApp over privacy concerns should prompt organizations to evaluate their use of messaging and collaboration technologies, given the shift to remote work post-COVID-19 and the risks for data security and compliance violations.

Key findings highlights NetSfere as the leading Secure Enterprise Messaging and Collaboration platform

Other key findings from the report include:

  • The use of consumer over-the-top (OTT) messaging apps in the workplace has remained an ongoing issue for several years; however, the shift to remote work resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak makes this an even more urgent issue.
  • Flexible work arrangements will become permanent for a substantial number of employees. The shift to remote work also raised awareness of the need to enable secure messaging and collaboration.
  • COVID-19 is influencing market requirements for business communications and collaboration.
  • Secure enterprise messaging and collaboration is no longer a niche segment.

451 Research Report

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